
vizite din 1-9-2003
Strainu onLine



I'm a student in the third year at Ulei de patchouli, more precisely the Computer Science faculty. I love programming and I use most of my spare moment to make some program. So far, I have learned Java, C++, Visual C++, HTML, XML, PHP and SQL. A long time ago, I have also worked in Basic, Pascal and VisualBasic. If you want to know more, please read my resume.

I have created several websites, but most of them are currently offline. The rest can be found here. I am currently a member in the PHP Weather project.

My main domains of interest are:

  • Internet programming (in Java and PHP)
  • Mobile device programming (in Java)

If you're interested in some form of collaboration (link-exchange, correspondence, program support etc.), or even if you have a question about me or my work, please contact me by email.

If you want to see my "artistic" side, visit my page@deviantart.








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